My Wind Down Sleep Routine

Monday, 12 September 2022

With very early starts becoming a more regalar theme in my life, I've discovered the only way for me to function well with any consistency is to get a night time routine in place. Having always been a night owl, it's been an interesting shift for me. Here I'm sharing some of the things that help me wind down so I can fall asleep quickly. Going to bed early can actually be a nice experience if you go about it the right way. 

Create A Sleepy Space

Get into something cosy that makes you feel like you're going to be sleeping soon. Make sure you feel comfy. A pair of your fave socks or slippers for extra comfort and a nice sleep candle are also a good idea to create a calming space are a good idea. If you have sleep spray or a diffuser with some lavender oil that can help too. 


You probably already have some idea that blue light isn't good for us. Light plays such a huge role in how our bodies regulate our ability to sleep. If you can, go screen free for an hour or two before you want to be in bed. If this is too big of an ask, then get yourself some blue light blocking glasses or screen protectors or install a blue light filter on your device. It has really made a difference for me and reduces eye strain. Also consider black out blinds or an eye mask so light isn't disrupting your sleep. 

Sleep Tea

It has always difficult for me being a big black tea drinker, but try and avoid too much caffeine in the evenings. I've used to think the the amount of tea and coffee I drank had no affect on my ability to sleep, but since I've been trying to get to bed earlier, anything that contributes to me being too alert to late is a bad thing. I have been really enjoying this delicious Organic Night Time Tea from Pukka.


I recently discovered sleep music and I have found it really helps set the tone in the evenings when winding down. It signals to my whole body that hey, we're winding down, relaaax, you feel sleepy. I really like this sleep mix. It's a great anxiety reliever too.

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