31 Things I've Learned

Sunday 13 October 2024

Sharing some living and wellness wisdom I've gathered over the years..

1. Nervous system regulation

Learning about the nervous system and how it impacts how we experience life and show up in our bodies has had a significant impact on me and helped me grow. Find ways to self-soothe that fit you best.

2. Attachment styles

Learning about attachment styles has enriched my life massively. It's usually discussed in relation to romantic relationships but it also plays a massive role in how you show connect and show up for yourself and others.

3. Phases of the menstrual cycle

Understanding the four phases of your menstrual cycle as a woman is incredibly empowering. 

4. Older women are full of wisdom

The older women in my life I've realised with time how invaluable their insights can be. Their experiences, and mistakes, can really help guide you to get the most out of your life.

5. Materials matter

When it comes to clothing, the materials you choose matter. Natural fibres allow your skin to breathe so look for materials like cotton, linen, wool and silk when you're shopping for clothes. Pieces made using these fabrics are also often of a higher quality overall and much better constructed than clothing made from polyester and viscose. Get comfortable looking at the composition labels of the clothes you're buying!

6. Style: Colour season and kibbe body type

Knowing your colour season and kibbe body type will give you an edge when it comes to styling yourself in a way that ehances your natural beauty. I for example learned I was a soft classic and also "petite" being just 5'3 I didn't really fully understand I can't expect outfits on tall models to look the same on me. Now I have learned more about dressing for my body type things just look better on me because I have a better idea what kind of cuts and styles to look for.

7. Your close connections are very important

They say you're the sum of the five people you spend most time with. I've learned not to underestimate the influence those that are close to me. Your network is your net worth so choose your close connections wisely!

8. Figure out what you believe

Life is confusing and messy, but I think if you can figure out the answers to big questions like the way in which you want to live is something really important. It's easy to just do things because everyone one we know does them that way. But thinking for yourself and living with intention means you can live in better alignment with your inner wisdom.

9. Consistency is the key to success

It doesn't matter what your goal is, if you can be consistent, in most cases you're going to see results.

10. Fight perfectionism

Perfectionism is a disease that doesn't serve you. Characteristics like this are rewarded in capitalism but are toxic to us in the long run. Think big picture about where you're putting your energy. You don't need to prove your worth to anyone, your worthy and have value regardless of your abilities or output.

11. Wellness isn't something you can "achieve."

Wellness goals are again the result of consistency, they're not a place you can get to where you're just done and can expect lasting results. Wellness a journey to a new a way of being, it's living to be an optimized version of yourself. The whole world throw us off kilter and out of our natural best state - it's our job to fight the unhealthy aspects that are a part of modern living so we can be whole and healthy in mind, body and spirit in spite of it.

12. Dry brush

For me dry brushing has been life-changing. It's improved my energy, vitality, sense of wellbeing and has given me a better sense of connection with my body even with just five minutes a day.

13. Affirmation are powerful

The way you speak to yourself matters. Speak to yourself in a way that you would a friend or someone you want to win always.

14. Nutrition and nourishment are key

You can't show up as your best self and smash other areas of life if you're not nourishing yourself. Learn what you can do to eat better to support your body so you can live better.

15. Move in ways you enjoy

With exercise being vital to our health, it's really important to find activities that get you moving that you genuinely enjoy. If you can't or hate the gym, try cycling, swimming, badminton, trampolining, dance - get creative! For me that's walking and Pilates so I have to find ways to incorporate more cardio and get my blood flowing. I started in the gym this year and I had to overcome gym anxiety and get comfortable in the space but I fell in love with how moving made me feel once I started doing it regularly.

16. Your body needs hydration

As a heavy tea and coffee drinker, this is something that has been a long-term struggle for me. Drinking enough water. But it's so important I felt it had to be on this list. Every single one of your organs needs enough water to function properly - don't underestimate that and make sure you are drinking water, ideally not tap water, get yourself a water filter.

17. Get sun

If you live somewhere with little to no sunshine, make sure you are taking vitamin D because you need it. I had a lot of symptoms as a teen that I didn't understand that were as a result of a deficiency in vitamin D. I also try and get into the sun when it appears because I know now how important it is for health and wellbeing.

18. The gut-brain connection is everything

They say all disease starts in the gut, and even depression and mental illness can be connected to gut imbalances. Do everything you can to support yours, consume fermented foods regularly and just be aware of how the gut plays a role in your overall health.

19. You grow through overcoming challenges

Tough times and adversity are things that build you up and teach you so much that you otherwise wouldn't have learned. It brings me comfort when I'm going through tough times.

20. Breathing: Breathwork and heart rate variability (HRV)

Whether it's meditation, the method of lateral breathing I've learned from Pilates, or breathwork, breathing and how you breathe is something you need to bring your awareness too. The most impactful of these methods has been learning about heart rate variability and how through breathing we can control or manage our body's response to stress.

21. Grounding

This is basically just standing on the earth barefoot. It may sound very woo woo but I've found it very beneficial.

22. Social media is toxic

I find the amount of time I spend on social media, the more anxious I am and the more I lack clarity and focus in my day. Everyone should unplug from it completely at least once to see how free it makes them feel. If it's something you do for work, fair enough, but otherwise assess how much it's actually serving you.

23. Take notes

Taking notes helps me process information and make sense of things I'm interested in. Learning can be a lifelong thing if you want it to, you can just keep learning forever about the things that light you up. I loved learning about the Zettlekasten notetaking system, I discovered it through the book How to Take Smart Notes by Sonke Ahrens. It's a really amazing for note loving nerds or anyone doing research. Notion is also one of my favourite tools for organizing my notes and my thoughts.

24. Visualise

Knowing what you want is half the battle. Once you know what you want, and you can visualise it and  go after it. Use all the tools you've got too - make those vision boards! They will keep you focused on your goals so you can create the reality you want.

25. Drink ginger shots

Forget coffee, this is the way to start your day that will really serve you. They keep away a multitude of things and are an amazing way to support your immune system - I love to drink them while travelling and feeling run-down.

26. Multilingual magic

Learning German has totally changed my brain and influenced the way I think and changed my perspective on language completely - every new language you learn opens up a whole new world.

27. Gratitude and abundance are linked

Practicing gratitude can generate more abundance in your life and appreciation for what you have is something to cultivate no matter where you're at.

29. It's okay to take up space

Taking up space is closely linked to safety and self-esteem. If you can lose the fear of being seen and embody a yes I'm here, and I want to be and I deserve to be, the way you move through the world can totally change.

28. Love and life are blessings

Health, wealth, life and love are blessings and their not things everyone has so keep that in mind.

29. Change your mindset and you can change your life

Mindset is everything, this sounds a bit cheesy to say, but if you love yourself and take on the world with the right mindset it can change everything. You'll only understand the transformative power of a mindset change when you've figured out the ways of thinking you unconsciously have developed that are holding you back.

30. Comfort can create stagnation

You can't grow or develop if you're too comfortable - just like to train or grow a muscle involves discomfort you need to be challenged to grow. Embrace challenges strategically.

31. Celebrate every win and milestone

It's a way of expressing gratitude for what you have and what you've achieved. Time is precious so it's important to mark the milestones. I marked 31 with this stunning pink diamond ring from Rosce Jewelers - a gorgeous way to remember to keep shining!

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